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Ivan wiki profile will be updated soon as we collect Ivan Dorschner’s Height, weight, Body Measurements, Eye Color, Hair Color, Shoe & Dress size soon as possible. Ivan Dorschner Height, Weight & MeasurementsĪt the age of 30 years, Ivan Dorschner weight not available right now. He studied at the College of the Canyons in International Diplomacy studies (switching from Bio-Science), but was put on hold until his third year when he decided to remain in the Philippines.

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Ivan graduated in 2008 from Verdugo Hills High School, in Tujunga, CA. During his childhood, he was a Boy Scout and received the highest rank of Eagle Scout. On his summer vacation, he visited the Philippines. He has four half-siblings, two from his father’s previous marriage and the other two from his stepmother, who is Korean. Ivan Anthony Dorschner was born on Septemin Los Angeles, California, to a German-Irish father and a Filipino mother.

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